(602) 992-0468
21230 N 22nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85024, ROC 298041
State of Arizona Registrar of Contractors License
A division of Sunset Dreams LLC
Belgard ICPI




Now in a large-format size and offering the distinct character of hammered stone, the organic look is enriched with DuraFusion Technology for an enhanced texture and ultimate durability.

Features and Benefits:

  • Distinctive texture of flamed or hammered stone.
  • Maximized pallet layout for jobsite efficiencies.
  • Reduced cuts, installation time and waste.
  • Simplified quoting and design of projects.
  • Sizing compatible with all Belgard modular paver lines. Look for the Modular Paver icon.


  • Basalt™ 3pc Modular
    Basalt™ 3pc Modular
    9 x 18 x 2 3/8"
    18 x 18 x 2 3/8"
    18 x 27 x 2 3/8"


  • Midnight
  • Scandina Gray
    Scandina Gray

Check with your local Belgard Representative for product availability and color options.

Cut Sheet