(602) 992-0468
21230 N 22nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85024, ROC 298041
State of Arizona Registrar of Contractors License
A division of Sunset Dreams LLC
Belgard ICPI

Anglia Edger®

Anglia Edger®


A natural chiseled finish and tapered ends accentuate the natural texture and flexibility of the Anglia Edger® curb unit. It complements driveways, patios, walking paths and small planting areas. The large multi-size units of the Anglia Edger create a natural-looking curb with a minimal number of joints.

Features & Benefits:

  • Tapered ends create either curves or straight installation.
  • 8” height simulates natural stone curbing.
  • Three different lengths offer a random look and flexible installation.
  • Large scale pieces create efficient installation.


  • Anglia Edger® Small Rectangle
    Anglia Edger® Small Rectangle
    5¼ x 8 x 8
  • Anglia Edger® Medium Rectangle
    Anglia Edger® Medium Rectangle
    5¼ x 10 ½ x 8
  • Anglia Edger® Large Rectangle
    Anglia Edger® Large Rectangle
    5 ¼ x 1 5 5⁄8 x 8
  • Anglia Edger® X Large Rectangle
    Anglia Edger® X Large Rectangle
    5¼ x 18 x 8


  • Victorian

*All colors and/or products may not be available in all areas. Please inquire for availability and special order options.

Cut Sheet